Preventive services of your gynecologist
Especially in Gynecology doctors are lucky to see a lot of healthy patients.
Prevention and early detection has always been one of my main goals.
Therefore I offer several classical check-ups and at your request we can apply extended laboratory analisis or naturopathic treatments to keep your well-being.

Cancer Check-up
After the external inspection I do a painless, gynecological palpation of he inner genital and the breast, as well a a cytological smear from the cervix. In many cases it makes sense to also search for HPV, the human papilloma virus, that counts as the main reason for cancer of the Cervix and at the outer genital. It can also cause papillomas at the Vulva.
In addition I do a vaginal ultrasound scan and an ultrasound scan oft the breast. We can also search or exclude the different sexual transmitted deseases and analise the discharge directly through the microscope.

I always advise individually depending on the age, risk factors und likes or dislikes of every woman. You can choose from different hormonal or non-hormonal contraceptive methods.
Starting with observing your basal temperature or using a hormonal intrauterine device, everything is possible.
If you decide for the Pill, I can use Applied Kinesiology to find the pill that you get along with best.

Pregnancy check up
During pregnancy it is especially important to look after the wellbeing of the mother and the child. Therefore there are several gynecological, sonografic or laboratory examinations .I stick to the guidelines of the German professional societies. That means, as long as there doesn't occur anything special, there should be an exam every 4 weeks up to the 30th gestational week , thereafter every 2 weeks. With these exams we check the health of the mother as well as the normal growth and well-being of the child.